March 8th, 2016 – Like many healthcare organizations today, your internal IT costs may be high as a result of capital-intensive investments in hardware. In addition, you may find that your key resources are spending precious time fixing IT problems when they could be focused on their primary job. When it comes to shifting your organization away from this expensive way of doing business, you’ve probably considered a cloud-based solution. But you may be unsure if it’s the right choice.

At the top of your questions might be whether or not the cloud can provide the level of security required to manage your highly sensitive patient data.

Adopting cloud technology is a viable, sustainable, and cost effective solution for healthcare facilities. At Coretek, one of our primary goals is for clients to realize between a 20-40% savings in the first year of moving to a cloud-based solution. In fact, a return on investment is usually realized within one year of investing in our cloud solution.

Here are just a few of the ways that you get ROI out of the cloud:

OPEX budgeting is predictable

Not only does the cloud free up physical space by not requiring servers, floor space, cooling, heating, power and racks, but IT budgeting becomes predictable. With an operational expenditure model, you can now do new resourcing models without impact to your budget and operations.

New levels of efficiency

In many healthcare facilities, servers are showing their age, applications may be running slower and more and more time is spent fixing broken technology. Instead of trying to be the IT expert managing a closetful of hardware, the cloud keeps you out of react mode and focused on day-to-day priorities. With a cloud solution, ‘tier one’ problem solving becomes automated, saving you valuable time and resources.

Additionally, there are over 80 different products in the cloud today that have been turned into single solutions, and each of these 80 products can now be delivered instantly through one cloud-based solution specific to your needs. With so many ways to streamline processes, automatically comply with regulations, and avoid wasting precious resource time, physicians and clinicians benefit from new levels of efficiency.

Makes HIPPA easy and provides business continuity

In many healthcare facilities, servers are showing their age, applications may be running slower and more and more time is spent fixing broken technology. Instead of trying to be the IT expert managing a closetful of hardware, the cloud keeps you out of react mode and focused on day-to-day priorities. With a cloud solution, ‘tier one’ problem solving becomes automated, saving you valuable time and resources.

Coretek’s cloud solutions are not only powerful, but you can now realize a significant ROI while propelling your healthcare business forward with the most modern technology. For more information on our cloud solutions, click here.